
Frames are great in that you can divide your screen into several inter-related sections. The obvious use of frames is that of the navigation bar.
Here, one frame is used to navigate through the pages that would appear on another frame.
While this is mainly HTML, Javascript can be used to shorten the list of pages. This results in less taxing web spaces on your site.
As an example, look at my cartoon page set up.
The initial (parent) page is HTML frameset page toonindex.html

The parent page has two frames, "Lframe" that has the page Lframe.html on it. The "Rframe" initially has a static html page on it (toons.html).
Now look at the codes in Lframe.html

As you scroll down the (rather daunting to read, I'm sorry) file you'll see:
  1. The Arrays.
    Here I declare the Arrays I'll use to project my cartoons onto Rframe.
    The each toon array is an array in itself.
    A toon array would have 3 items within itsown array: title, image name and caption.
  2. The function RFwrite(x).
    First, the Rframe is closed to make sure it is blank before stuffs get printed on it.
    The function will then print the "content" generated in it onto Rframe.
    The number x is passed to it by the user when a link is clicked (see below).
    "content" is coded so that it becomes a full HTML file before it is passed onto Rframe.
  3. The links - Lframe creates itself!
    Lframe has no...<BODY> tags! It is generated by the script in it.
    The titles (and the clickable links) are created by the loop.
    The function RFwrite(x) is called by the link created by Javascript.

    javascript - basic stuffs